Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Unplanned Hiatus

Merry Christmas!

Sorry for the unplanned hiatus! Our laptop was in the shop for a while and then we got busy with holiday stuff and then we got a new camera... so now I am finally back to get some pictures uploaded!

So much has happened since we last wrote! Elle has one tooth in (her bottom left front) and the other bottom tooth is making it's appearance now so we are up to two teeth! Elle started crawling late in her seventh month so now has about a month of crawling under her belt and she is pretty good at it (although not too fast which is good for those chasing her)!

She is still nursing four times a day but she also eats 2-3 meals of almost people food too. She likes pretty much everything we give her and it has been fun to introduce new foods to see how she reacts!

Elle is saying moma, dada and byebye but we are not too sure that she knows what she is saying! She is so funny - when you wave and say byebye she will wave and say it back!

I am in love with my new camera that Andy got me for Christmas so I will have even more material for the blog!

Merry Christmas to all! We are so blessed!

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." -Luke 2:10-11