Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 months

We have known Anderson for 2 whole months now. It feels like two years and two seconds all at the same time. Here are some pictures from the last couple of days. We have been busy despite Elle's double ear infection and Anderson's eating issues (which are seeming to get better). Right now, as I type, Elle is supposed to be napping and she is yelling out, "Cara, where are you?" from her bed! I guess she figured that since calling out to Mommy was not getting results she would try Cara!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

7 weeks & 31 months

Our babes are growing fast! Elle is 31 months and Anderson is 7 weeks. Things are getting more normal (a NEW normal) each week as we all adjust! Mom is getting more sleep but still getting up in the night for feeding time so TIRED is the new normal! Elle is adjusting to a little brother and Anderson is adjusting to a very hands on (and sometime those hands are pretty rough!) and loud older sister! We are looking forward to the holidays and enjoying the time with the kids because even though they are so hectic we know they pass quickly!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had two precious cows roaming the neighborhood on Halloween night! It was Elle's first time treat-or-treating and she had so much fun with her friend Kenley (who was Dorothy!). Elle was hysterical, yelling out after each house, "Mom, I got CANDY!" She could not believe that all these people were willingly handing out candy after she said "Trick-or-treat!"