Monday, April 28, 2008

3 Weeks Old

Elle was 3 weeks old yesterday! Time is moving very fast! I cannot believe it has already been 21 days! Elle is doing great! She is sleeping a little more at night (usually from about 11 pm to 4 am) and so she is up a little more during the day. She is a sweetheart and she loves to be held by everyone!

Yesterday she met Uncle Jim, Aunt Judi and Cousin Molly, who are visiting Monica from NY and CO. It was so fun to spend time together! Elle was on her best behavior and did not cry once! :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

2 Weeks Old!

Elle is 2 weeks old tomorrow! It is amazing to think that it has just been 2 weeks! She is doing great! She sleeps a lot and loves to eat! She is a handful but such a sweetheart.

Papa Swan and Gmom are leaving tomorrow to go back to Colorado and we are very sad to see them go! Tomorrow will be a sad day because they have been so helpful, loving and supportive! We can't wait for them to come back already!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

10 Days Old

Elle slept last night from 2 am to 6 am which gave mom some much needed rest! Yah Elle!

Elle met Aunt Monica yesterday, which was so much fun for everyone! She loves her aunt so much!

Andy and I (and Papa Swan & Gmom) are learning the ropes and everyday seems a little easier and our hearts grow more full. I really cannot believe this sweet baby is ours! Except when she cries (very loudly)... then it is obvious she is very talkative and loud like her parents.

Thank you God for this wonderful blessing!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

1 Week Old

Elle was 1 week old yesterday! It is crazy to think that it has only been a week since her birth! It feels a lot longer! I am sure that is because of the stress of figuring out her feeding, sleeping and crying! But she is a really good baby! I am getting more sleep since my parents are here so that is helping a lot!

Today was Elle's first Ped visit! She was "perfect" as the Ped said! She has gained a half pound since birth which is great since babies lose weight after they are born. The Ped also said I could start letting her sleep through the night if she would and I almost kissed the Ped! I really hope Elle feels like sleeping at least 5 hours during the night! Andy and I would be so happy!

Here are some pics from the past few days...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

At Home

Thank you all so much for your wonderful well wishes, calls, texts, emails and visits! It has been a crazy couple of days - trying to figure out how to be new parents - but it has been so wonderful!

Elle is doing great! She is so loving and cuddly and has loved all the visitors holding her! She does have some powerful lungs and we are also figuring out what each cry means! I have added some pictures of the past two days including some of her "first" experiences and the visitors that she loved to hold her!

Andy and I realized we did not email out the origin of Elle's name! She is named after Cara's grandmother Elizabeth "Betz" (and Cara has a cool aunt Beth!) and both Andy and Cara's moms have the same middle name, Ann. When she arrived we had three different girl names picked out and this one seemed to fit her best!

We will be catching up on returning calls and emails... but we want to thank you all so much for thinking of us! I really cannot express how blessed we feel - all of you are tremendously thoughtful family and friends.

A new child is certainly such a beautiful blessing from God!

Monday, April 7, 2008

She's here!

Hi all!
We are so excited! IT'S A GIRL!
We are so excited to see Elizabeth Ann Barfield!
She arrived at 10:25 AM on Sunday, April 6, 2008.
She weighed in at 7.1 lbs and is 20 3/4 inches long.
She has a full head of black hair! She is a cutie pie!
Check out the pictures!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

1 Week and 1 Day Overdue

Good morning!

Here is my 41 weeks picture! This is amazing that the baby is still just hanging out! At the Doctor on Thursday the baby had a stress test (Doctors orders because it is a week past the due date) and all was well. The Doctor said the baby was very healthy and very active! But I still had not done much in the way of dilation!

We have had a good week! I got to work one more week and Andy and I have spent a lot of time eating, walking and sleeping! :)

I am having contractions this morning but the jury is still out if this is the real deal or not! Andy and I are about to head out to our favorite breakfast place!

Maybe we will meet the baby this weekend!