Saturday, October 6, 2012

Anderson is Two

It is official. There are no more babies in our house. Anderson is two and he is really growing up fast! He is saying lots of words, blessing us when we sneeze, talking on the phone to grandparents... he is a great little guy! Elle is loving preschool and Anderson is liking hanging out with mom! The best part is watching Elle and Anderson playing together. There is some major squabbling going on but also lots of precious moments. Here are some pics from the last month.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

summer winds down

The summer was bustling, filled with lots of traveling, Birthday parties, pool time and fun! We visited Chautauqua, NY for Gram's 95th Birthday in June, we did three weeks in Colorado with the Beagle side of the family in July and August and then to go out with a bang we were in St. Simons with the Barfield clan the last week of August. It was a really exciting summer with all that wonderful family time. Check out the pictures so I can get you up to speed! Yesterday was Elle's first day of preschool at Peachtree Presbyterian and she LOVES it! Anderson is enjoying some one on one mommy time and he is super active and talking up a storm. God is good.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June is here

I just love the summer months! Lots of traveling to see friends and family, fun parties to celebrate Birthdays and anything else we can think up, weddings, and just lots of great stuff going on! New Orleans for Erica & Manuel's wedding was a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing! So beautiful and so much fun! Some great pics of the kids and the grandparents captured there. Last weekend was San Diego for the half marathon with the girl friends. We had a blast! We are leaving for NY this weekend for Gram's 95th Birthday. What a blessing to still be able to celebrate my precious grandmother! God is so good.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May is marvelous

Let's post before May gets away from me! It has been a fun month with Spring festivals and such, end of the school year activities, Birthday parties and lots of time playing outside. Our cul-de-sac has become the place to be and Elle and Anderson LOVE hanging out there with all the neighborhood kids, chasing each other, riding bikes, sidewalk chalking and other various kids stuff! Anderson had a series of ear infections for the last couple of months, which the Ped thought may be just one long one (poor baby) and because of the effect that has had on his hearing when he is trying to learn to talk... tubes were the next step. We got those in almost two weeks ago an the boy is talking much more these days! Here are a couple of pics of the kids :) Thanks for reading!

Friday, April 27, 2012

April: Elle's Birthday & spring fun

April has been filled with fun including Elle's Birthday, Easter celebration and all the fun spring activities going on! We had a wonderful Easter celebration at YaYas house with the Barfield family and the Gerdas. We also had a family Birthday party for Elle and had a Easter egg hunt for the kids. Check out some recent pictures.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It has been too long

So sorry about the hiatus! It has been two months but we are back! It has just been a busy 2012 so far! So much has happened: a couple of visits to see Clifford at the Childrens Museum, Valentines Day and a trip to Colorado for a great visit with family and then Camp Swanson for the kids (5 days with the grandparents) and Mexico for the Mom and Dad!! The kids are great! Elle is so looking forward to her 4th Birthday in two weeks and Anderson is walking and talking (OK, more like babbling with a few real words thrown in) all over the place. Anderson's real words are: Momma (often used for milk, too funny!), Dada, Elle ("Ugh"),YaYa, G, Papa, Please ("peas"), Thank You ("Dank u") and ball. So we are enjoying these days! Check out the pics.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January pictures

It has been a beautiful and mild January in Atlanta. We are having fun at school and at the park! Anderson is saying a couple of words and starting to walk! Here are some pictures from this month.