Saturday, March 29, 2008


The due date was yesterday and the baby is not here yet!
Mers and Robert are visiting from Colorado and it is sad that they did not get to meet the new addition! Here is a picture from last night!

I am feeling great but I am starting to get swollen! My feet, ankles, and legs are looking pretty big! This morning Mers, Robert, Andy and I walked the 3.2 mile loop at the park! It felt good to go so far! But I have my feet up this afternoon!

So no news yet...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

39 Weeks!

Happy Easter Sunday to you!

This gorgeous sunny afternoon in Atlanta highlights the beauty of this day of celebration for our Lord, Jesus resurrection! We are so blessed on this Easter Sunday!

Things are still going great here! I have not yet dilated so five more days until 40 weeks seems very possible! I am excited that that it looks like I have one more week at work before the baby comes! We will keep you updated with any changes!

Thank you, Jesus, for this new baby, these blessings and for the life you gave me by laying down your own. I love you.

Friday, March 14, 2008

38 Weeks!

Just 14 days left - but who is counting?!

We had a Doctors appointment today and got good news! I am not dilated yet so this baby has a good chance of going full term and staying where he/she is for 2 more weeks! I am very happy about that! And I am not too uncomfortable yet, although the uncomfortable things are starting to happen. My legs and ankles are swollen and the extra 45 pounds are making exercising like walking and riding the bike harder! :) Today the Doctor said, "Everything looks good... your blood pressure, your measurements... but the scale is not your friend!" She is so right! I gained 4 more pounds this week! She was pressing my swollen legs and saying that a lot of it was water weight in my legs. Just gorgeous! My belly measurement was the same as last week so that is an indication that the baby has dropped a little. I could tell by all the extra bathroom breaks I am taking lately!

So things are great! Here is a picture of my belly this week!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

37 Weeks

This is going by so fast! We just cannot believe it is week 37 already!
We went to the Doctor this morning and everything looks great - I am measuring on target - my belly measures 37 inches from top to bottom and it is supposed to measure at the week that you are pregnant. So we are good to go! The Doctor also thinks the head is down so that is great as well.

I am feeling great so I look forward to three more weeks of good health! Andy already has our bags packed, the car seat in and pretty much everything else he can do is done (and has been for weeks!). We are very excited but enjoying these last few weeks of just the two of us!