Friday, March 14, 2008

38 Weeks!

Just 14 days left - but who is counting?!

We had a Doctors appointment today and got good news! I am not dilated yet so this baby has a good chance of going full term and staying where he/she is for 2 more weeks! I am very happy about that! And I am not too uncomfortable yet, although the uncomfortable things are starting to happen. My legs and ankles are swollen and the extra 45 pounds are making exercising like walking and riding the bike harder! :) Today the Doctor said, "Everything looks good... your blood pressure, your measurements... but the scale is not your friend!" She is so right! I gained 4 more pounds this week! She was pressing my swollen legs and saying that a lot of it was water weight in my legs. Just gorgeous! My belly measurement was the same as last week so that is an indication that the baby has dropped a little. I could tell by all the extra bathroom breaks I am taking lately!

So things are great! Here is a picture of my belly this week!

1 comment:

MamatoMoss said...

Cara! This is your time-no worries on the weight thing, love! I hope to see you at Bunco tonight! Maybe we can deliver a baby! Big Hugs!