Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busy summer

What a fun summer so far! Lots of playing outside in the sprinkler and at the Gerdas, a trip to our friends, the Powells cabin in NC, Fathers Day and now we are in Savannah for the weekend! Elle has worn her tutu bathing suit nearly every day, whether or not we are going swimming. She calls herself a ballerina. Anderson is 9 months old now! He has 6 teeth and is eating lots of people food, babbling a lot and rolling around everywhere. No crawling yet but that is just fine with us! Love to you!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Oh happy day!

Yesterday we welcomed Andy's sister Melissa's baby boy into the world! Reid is a complete cutie pie and totally chill! We all enjoyed pizza together in the hospital tonight! Congratulations to Melissa and Drew on their sweet bundle of joy!