Saturday, October 22, 2011

One beautiful fall

I am so behind on posting because this has been one fabulous and busy fall! Yes, the wonderful weather is here and all the fun stuff that comes with fall: jumping in leaves, pumpkin food, soup for dinner, pumpkin patch visits and lots of play time outside!

Elle loves preschool with her wonderful teachers and 'treehouse' classroom; she goes three mornings a week and has ballet on Wednesdays! She is crazy about ballet and loves showing us all of her moves.

Anderson is such a sweetheart! He is 13 months old and he is crawling fast as ever, just started pulling up to a stand and very vocal about eating and doing things on his own. No words yet but he babbles a lot and he shakes his head "No" if he does not want something. He is a riot. He had a couple different Birthday celebrations with family so he had a long and exciting Birthday month!

This fall has been even more exciting because Uncle P now lives here! We have had so much fun together and the kids love having Uncle P here to play with them!