Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beach & First Haircut

Last weekend for Memorial Day, Cara went to Destin, FL with her AU girlfriends and Andy and Elle spent the weekend in St.Simons with the Barfield family! Both parties had an excellent time! Cara enjoyed relaxing and catching up with her friends while the Barfields loved watching Elle enjoy the sand, the ocean waves, the beach club pool and the playground! It was a wonderful long weekend!

Elle had her first haircut today. She was so good and she was cracking us up with how serious she was about the entire affair. She loves her new cut... although I doubt anyone can tell that we did anything!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Phil visits!

We had a great week last week with Phil and Brooke here! We visited Zoo Atlanta and a couple of our favorite restaurants and just spent time hanging out! Here are some favorite pictures!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Teeth & Spaghetti

Elle is 13 months today! Here are some baby updates:
Elle has 6 teeth now - two on top and four on the bottom. She has added "ball" to her word list for a total of 5 words. She does not seem to want to walk although she enjoys holding our hands to walk but only when we initiate it (we are very happy since she is active enough crawling!). She loves most all foods (see spaghetti pic) which is such a blessing! She is now drinking milk after no longer nursing this month... She hated cows milk at first so this is a huge step. And she is allergic to eggs, which we discovered because of a nasty reaction to her Birthday cake! So things are exciting in the Barfield house! Andy and I are training for the Seattle half marathon at the end of June so we are getting in some serious mileage! We did 8 miles on Sunday! YAH!

Love to you!