Saturday, August 23, 2008

We are back!

We spent an amazing 20 days in Estes Park and Boulder, CO. It was a great trip that went by way too fast! It did not feel like we were there for three weeks! It was a wonderful trip filled with stories and games with the cousins, hikes with the family, wedding preparation and showers for Meredith, and beautiful quiet time in the mountains! Here are some great pictures from the trip!

Elle had her 4 month appointment on August 20th, Andy's Birthday! She weighs 2 ounces away from 14 pounds! She is in the 25-50% for height, weight and head circumference - so she is growing steadily! She has changed so much in the last three weeks! Her development is amazing - rolling side to side on her back and flipping from front to back (she hates tummy time so she likes to roll to her front when we put her on her stomach), laughing and "talking" A LOT (she is VERY vocal), grabbing and lifting everything she gets her hands on, and holding onto and engaging with everyone who holds her. She is a lot of fun!

We will be starting some rice cereal soon so shortly we will get up pictures of her first attempts at eating solid food!

God is good! We are so blessed by Elle and the more she interacts with us the more our lives are enriched!

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